Sharp diary 1918 page 97. Thursday 4 April 1918 - Boston

Document date
Thursday 4th of April 1918
Transcription Notes
Woke up with a headache and very cold. A NE wind all day which after the late warm weather is particularly searching. Had breakfast in our own rooms, Lily having lent us an electric toaster and given us a pot of marmalade! Then to school where I finished off Sweet William & Jackie he went a-sailing. Then I lunched Dr Chase at the Red Cross affair, rested and after tea wrote out S[weet] William and then tackled Berea book till dinner. A slow uninteresting business, all the worse because my head had become really very bad. With aid of an aspirin got through a good lot of work before dinner and then continued it afterwards till 10 p.m. when I wrote to Constance, Bradley & Farnsworth. We have done nearly half the book thank goodness. Had a wire from Miss Hamilton asking me to take a weeks work at Toronto from the 19th. Replied that I could take it a week earlier from the 11th, but practically impossible to manage the later date.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Boston [42.3584308,-71.0597732]
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