Sharp diary 1918 page 342. Thursday 5 December 1918 - New York

Document date
Thursday 5th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Slept very badly last night which was curious seeing that I have been sleeping very well for some weeks. Very cold north wind, but despite this we went out about 10.15. I called on Slocum had a long talk with him & Miss Whitin[?] and then met Maud at Vantines[?]. She bought nothing there so I went and got my slides from Underwood’s and we then went to another shop where Maud bought 3 hats! — she said as presents but as she wore one of them at lunch and another at tea it looks as if she meant to keep them for her own little head! We lunched at Henri’s as guests of Peggy who had asked Kenneth [Wheeler] & a Mr & Miss Edwards to meet us. We found the latter very nice & very English people, he having just returned from the battlefields where he has been trying out an anaesthetic he has lately invented. After a rest we went to tea with Mrs Callery at the Gotham & came away with my Neptune film and the Caliban drawings. We took Susan & Elizabeth Gilman to the Old English place for dinner & they came up to my rooms afterwards and stayed till after 10 p.m. The weather is very cold and raw but light and just bearable when protected by furs.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism