Sharp diary 1918 page 221. Tuesday 6 August 1918 - Roanoke, North Carolina

Document date
Tuesday 6th of August 1918
Transcription Notes
Weather hotter than ever. As usual the newspapers are full of statements that records of heat have been made this year all over the country. Washington reports 115 in the shade. Go out in the morning to get my glasses mended and also to take Maud’s typewriter to the repairer. Wrote a lot of letters including one to Tet, to Martin Shaw, Sonnecke requesting him to send a batch of books to friends here & in England including Batchelor (to whom I also wrote) Swanwick, [Katherine] Sorby, Martin Shaw, Hickson & Mrs Kettlewell. After a rest went out again to get typewriter etc. After dinner went to Movies again sat in the garden afterwards & tried in vain to get cool. I have never experienced heat like this. It is really dangerous and we hesitate to move on to Rockymount as we had intended to do. Possibly we may go to another hotel resort on the west of the range but in any case we shall stay here over tomorrow. Our rooms are comfortable but the food is very poor. We are living on cheese, spaghetti, lettuce & cucumber!Location
USA : North Carolina : Roanoke [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism