Sharp diary 1918 page 201. Wednesday 17 July 1918 - Boston

Document date
Wednesday 17th of July 1918
Transcription Notes
Wrote several rather important letters this morning — to Mrs Armstrong, Miss Perrin and Miss Gilchrist in the hope that I may get some engagements at Detroit & Pittsburgh in November on my way to California at the turn of the year. I can see that I am going to find it very difficult to make a living next year especially if California turns out badly. Classes as usual in the afternoon. The morris class for the last hour was great fun for everybody is dancing for enjoyment and we are not troubling particularly about technical accuracy! Old Black Joe, Cuckoo’s Nest, Step Back & for jigs Bonnets so Blue, Old Molly Oxford & Lumps [of Plum Pudding]. Miss Edgerley & Louise drove us back in heavy rain following a thunderstorm and we dined quietly at the hotel and went to bed early. So far I have seen just nothing of Mrs Storrows and unless we go to Lincoln for week end I shall not have had 5 min[utes] private conversation with her! Lily went to Lincoln to day to convalesce.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Boston [42.3584308,-71.0597732]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism