Sharp diary 1918 page 349. Thursday 12 December 1918 - SS Lapland

Document date
Thursday 12th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Slept rather better because we have the port in the passage open but the cabins we occupy are very badly ventilated. There is a ventilator near the floor through which air is pumped — hot or cold — and there being many Americans on board there is always someone who is cold and asks for the heat to be turned on and then we all have to suffer for there is no regulating contrivance in any one cabin! The ship is not a comfortable one, although so far the weather has been pleasant, warm & not too rough. The day’s run is not put up, the ports are closed at night and we get no visitors messages — just for all the world as though the seas were infested with submarines! A typical instance of British stupidity! It took Englishmen 9 months to realize that war had begun and it will probably take as long for them to realize it has ended! Made friends with a Scotch business man of the name of Mollison, a cousin of Dr Mollison Master of Clare and of the latter’s brothers one of Tree’s Shakesperian actors who died the other day.1 Mrs Mollison died last year at Cambridge.
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism