Sharp diary 1918 page 80. Monday 18 March 1918 - New York

Document date
Monday 18th of March 1918
Transcription Notes
After breakfast suddenly developed a pain in the large toe of my right foot — suspiciously like gout — absit omen! I can only walk with great difficulty and considerable pain. There is nothing to show except a slight swelling & inflammation. I hobble round to Schirmer’s where I get a piano for half an hour & correct 2 or 3 doubtful passages in my MS which I then return to Dr Baker. I discussed with the latter the question of punctuation of ballads with 2nd & 4th lines jingles and decided not to punctuate the latter but to punctuate the other lines ignoring the refrains. Then to lunch at the 7 Candles with Miss Gilman discussing with her her private affairs & prospects offering her all the help I could give her. Worked out 3 & 4 hey for Army Book after tea and hope we may get this off to England tomorrow. In the evening dressed and taxi’d to the Glenn’s where we had a very pleasant dinner and long talk afterwards coming away about 10.30. Met a Miss Concord there who discussed ‘Culture’(!) with me.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism