Sharp diary 1918 page 339. Monday 2 December 1918 - New York

Document date
Monday 2nd of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Had rather a bad night and Maud is rather chippy so we are somewhat of a pair of crocks. Called on Slocum at 10 but found him out. Then left films to be converted into lantern slides, bought some socks and had a long interview with Sonneck — not with great result. On return to hotel Feakins called and we had a general talk about things. Lunched in our rooms & then went down town first of all to White Star Line where we definitely booked the berths we had reserved last Saturday. Heard that we still have other passport formalities to go through. There seems no end to them! Feeling very doubtful whether after all we should not make a dash for the Lapland which sails next Sat[urday]. But we look up E.F.D.S. Bulletin and find that Stratford does not begin before the 28th so that we ought to have time. Call on Willson of Gramophone Co[mpany] and hear about English Records etc and afterwards buy Joan’s clock. Got home to tea, did some packing (book box) and dined with Charlotte at Henri’s. Maud being seedy. Charlotte & I went to Greenwich House and danced. Got back at 10.30 pretty tired. Wrote Boston P.O. and Mrs Guy Corbett.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism