— Woodstock

Document date
Tuesday 16th of April 1918
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted at Florida with Maud and Bradley. Then packed, sent off our trunks to station and took train to the Capitol. Saw as much as we could, Senate and Congress chambers, Supreme Court and the Library. The position of the group of buildings is superb and the way Pennsylvania Ave[nue] leads up to the first part is very wonderful. The main building is very imposing and the whole thing is very dignified and noble. Some of the details e.g. decoration of entrance hall of Library, nearly all the paintings and stone effigies in the Capitol are very open to criticism, nevertheless it is a great conception worthy of the lofty ideal which inspired it. Nothing has affected me in America more than this and I feel much more reverence for America and the real effort she has made to reform humanity — much of it mistaken perhaps but all of it sincere — than I hitherto had. In the afternoon after lunch with Bradley we trained to Woodstock, a 5 — h[our] journey arriving 8.45. We took sandwiches for our meal in the train. Quarters rather humble of course but quite good in their way. Weather very hot and sultry.Location
USA : Washington DC [38.8951118,-77.0363658]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism