Sharp diary 1918 page 5. Wednesday 2 January 1918 -

Document date
Wednesday 2nd of January 1918
Transcription Notes
Slept fairly well. We were 4_ hours late in reaching Cleveland but as we were scheduled to stay there about 3 hours, we picked up all but 1_ h[ours]. Weather outside very cold and snow lying at increased depths as we proceeded[?], but the train was very hot and stuffy. At last we got to 63rd street Chicago at about 6 p.m., only a little over an hour late. After a lot of waiting we got a taxi and drove over deep snow to the hotel. Mr Wilson the manager whom I remember last year was very attentive and showed us our rooms. I have a bed room and a nice sitting room overlooking the Lake and Maud a bedroom a little way down the corridor also looking out over the Lake. We were glad to get to our journey’s end and thankful it was so easily done. Had a very nice dinner and made friends with our waitress a bright Irish girl. After dinner telephoned to Charlotte [Foss] who had intended to meet us but could not because her Dad had gone off with the car. Also to Miss Hinman who seemed very friendly but very much overcome with the grandeur of her position under the Government! She wanted me to do something with her on Friday which I could not quite understand. But she promised to come in to dinner tomorrow or afterwards. Very tired we went to bed soon after 9.
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism