Sharp diary 1918 page 346. Monday 9 December 1918 - New York

Document date
Monday 9th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Had early breakfast and then went out to finish up shopping — to the Corona Typewriter place, to grocer to get Xmas cake for Sina Boone, to the Bank to settle up our accounts, to Gray to fix up my business with him, to Underwoods about the last films and then to Brentano’s to buy English papers. Lunched with Robert Jones at Harvard Club and discussed my scheme for an English ballet. Rested and then set to work to finish up packing books & odds & ends in my large trunk. At 5 Rabold came in & we gave him some tea. Then I wrote letters to Ditson, Mrs Bradley (returning films), Mrs Zande, Miss Frances Morris (Museum), Schirmer Miss E Lynch (Underwoods) and at 7 went out to Belmont Hotel to dine with Mrs Storrows. We went to the Cosmopolitan Club and had rather poor dinner and an unsatisfactory conversation afterwards because of the lack of privacy. We discussed future of U.S.A. Branch and decided upon Rabold’s plan. Mrs Storrows did not see the point of being made U.S.A. Correspondent but agreed to do as I wished. She walked back with us to the Algonquin then leaving Maud there, I escorted her back to the Belmont.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism