Sharp diary 1918 page 49. Friday 15 February 1918 - Chicago

Document date
Friday 15th of February 1918
Transcription Notes
In the morning directly after an early breakfast go off with Maud to Hull House to take classes from 10-12. A very slummy & dirty part of the town and the journey takes us a full hour from door to door. A regular Settlement kind of place. Miss Boyd rather stiff with me but whether from pride or shyness I know not. Students dance fairly well but not up to very much. In the evening Maud and I dine at the Auditorium and then go to the Physical Training place to take the 3-h[ou]r classes 7-10. A great grind as well all, teachers & students, get pretty tired. Meet Miss Hall and Miss Lauman women who do the Del Croze[?] stuff at the Francis Parker School. They were at Stratford in 1912.1 Rather nice people. Return with Mrs Collien pretty well baked about 11p.m.Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism