Sharp diary 1918 page 14. Friday 11 January 1918 - Chicago

Document date
Friday 11th of January 1918
Transcription Notes
The snow has come but without wind as on Sunday. It began early in the small hours and went on till after dark without ceasing — I suppose 6 inches or more. And now if zero weather comes as it is practically sure to do it will be pretty bad. I slogged away at my tunes all the morning and afternoon and have done 13, which with a couple of the old ones will be all that are wanted. I will begin making final copies for England tomorrow. Mrs Moore telephoned about hours of the classes. I am to teach Wednesdays at 12 and Saturdays at 9. They also want to take over my abortive three day night classes and hold them at their place in order that their post-graduate students and others can attend. Sounds a good arrangement which will suit us admirably. We are doing better business than we expected. I am enjoying the quiet working in my room with a piano — nearly 12 months since I have done anything of the kind. I finished my letter to Miss Gilman and sent it off this morning. Am writing to Shaw to suggest postponement of our return to N[ew] York by one week.Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism