Sharp diary 1918 page 150. Monday 27 May 1918 - Ronceverte, West Virginia

Document date
Monday 27th of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Mr Corbett motored us to the station after breakfast and we began a long & wearing & hot 5-hour journey. The scenery was the most beautiful we have yet passed through by rail. Except for a flat piece round about Staunton we were in the midst of high mountains the whole way, crossing 3 ranges in turn, The Shenandoah, Blue Ridge and Alleghenies. We found Ronceverte a beastly railroad town, very dirty and very smelly. The Hotel was quite one of the worst we have yet struck, 50% worse than the Atkin at Knoxville! Expensive too, 3 & 3_ dollars a day! If we get away without any disease we shall be fortunate. After a short rest & some tea we stroll out to prospect and find conditions here anything but hopeful. We noticed that the mountain passes we went through were practically uninhabited, unlike any other part of the mountains that we know. Ronceverte is in a hole surrounded by high mountains and although 1600 feet in altitude, very stuffy hot & airless — a most unsavoury place! Went to Movies in the evening with a drink at the Drug Store!Location
USA : West Viginia : Ronceverte [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism