Sharp diary 1918 page 351. Saturday 14 December 1918 - SS Lapland

Document date
Saturday 14th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Had a very bad night — didn’t sleep till nearly 6 a.m. partly on account of the sea which became very restive and uncomfortable about 1 or 2 a.m. After breakfast found that most of the passengers looked as though they would soon retire to their cabins and as a matter of fact, most of them did before mid-day. I did not feel the sea at all though I found the time hang very heavily on my hands. I tried to write letters but found I couldn’t. Made friends with a Mrs Brooks who sat temporarily near Maud. She is a friend of the captain and said she would try & intercede on our behalf and get the hot-air turned off. I also interviewed the Chief Steward to the same effect & with success. The Y.M.C.A. people sang a good deal in the evening and interested a lot of people, but their songs nearly drove me crazy. They didn’t sing one that possessed an ounce of musical value. It is reported that the ship had run 1100 miles by noon yesterday but this sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless we hope to get it some time next Thursday.
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism