Sharp diary 1918 page 364. Friday 27 December 1918 - London

Document date
Friday 27th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Got up early, breakfast at 8.15, Joan going out to try & get a taxi. She returned having bought a private motor for 12/6 [75p] to take me to Paddington. She accompanied me to the station and saw me off to Stratford by the 10.30. Met Miss Fersey on the train and talked with her. On arrival at 1.20 went to my rooms at Monte Rosa, had some coffee unpacked and then went into the town where I met Peggy Kettlewell and Mrs Shaw (Holly). We then went to the G[rand] C[entral] station & met Maud & Helen [Kennedy] and escorted them back home to tea. Afterwards went out with Helen to see after school arrangements which this year are woefully bad as Miss Rainbow, at no time very efficient, is worse than ever having been married about a month ago. Had a quiet dinner at home, then rehearsal of staff after which we returned home & discussed many matters — mostly E.F.D.S. with frequent intervals devoted to reminiscences of John who from all accounts must be a prodigy of infantine cleverness & grace. Weather much warmer, the frost having disappeared completely thank Goodness!Location
England : London [51.5001524,-0.1262362]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism