Sharp diary 1918 page 51. Sunday 17 February 1918 - Chicago
Document date
Sunday 17th of February 1918
Transcription Notes
Peg away at my tunes after rather a late breakfast. I have now written out nearly 300 airs and the end is in sight. Maud as usual a good way behind me! After a rest we go round to the Collin’s to tea. The more I see of Mrs Collin the better I like her. We met Mrs Kendal and her mother there. The latter is a fiery garrulous, not unpleasant old lady very suffragetty and anti-English and wanted to fight me and would have done had I been on! We got back at 7 in time to entertain Miss Hall & Miss Lauman at dinner. They came up to our rooms afterwards and we talked and argued very pleasantly till pretty late in the day about 10.45. I like them both but they have no very wide vision. In England we would class them as "Garden City". But at any rate they talk with soft voices which is something to be thankful for.Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism