Sharp diary 1918 page 231. Friday 16 August 1918 - St Peters Mission

Document date
Friday 16th of August 1918
Transcription Notes
Much cooler — thank heaven — though not much to boast about yet! First called on Mrs Laura Beckett, Mrs Bridge’s sister. Found her very delighted to see us and very ready to sing. Sang me a fine version of Golden Vanity amongst other things. Then went on a half-mile to a Mrs Ebe Richards, who to our joy proved to be a first-rate singer, the first we have struck this trip. She sang me a dozen and then it was time to get back — nearly 3 p.m! I found our hostess rather sniffy as the two singers we had tapped and were now praising were not on the "approved" list. We were told bloodcurdling stories of the escapades of their fathers & near relations, their rascality & low mentality etc. O these missionaries. Their whole life seems set upon nosing out what is objectionable in anybody — except themselves of course — and ignoring the good. Two women came to give an address on "canning" with magic lantern slides. We listened to the usual gushing but completely empty discourse by one who was subsidised by the Federal Government as well as by the State!! Maud & I sang some songs and taught some of them a couple of dances — Brighton Camp & Butterfly. Went to bed at midnight.Location
USA : Viginia : St Peters Mission [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism