Sharp diary 1918 page 92. Saturday 30 March 1918 - Boston

Document date
Saturday 30th of March 1918
Transcription Notes
Spend another long morning at school harmonizing and finishing off first draft of Nightingale. Breakfast early — Maud an hour later — and go through proofs of ballad book which arrived last night. The book ought soon to be out now — it looks very well, the engraving is excellent. Maud meets me at the M[ary] Elizabeth where we have lunch. Then I do some shopping — pipes and tobacco — while she does the same on her own account both meeting at tea. Then finish off proofs and send them off. In the evening we both feel too tired to tackle any more work so we go out to the Movies and get a good deal amused if not greatly edified. We went to the Exeter theatre close by here. The best thing we saw was Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer.1Location
USA : Massachusetts : Boston [42.3584308,-71.0597732]
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