Sharp diary 1918 page 278. Wednesday 2 October 1918 - Burnsville

Document date
Wednesday 2nd of October 1918
Transcription Notes
Had a very restless night and wake up feeling very muzzy & unwell. However, I got up to breakfast, but we decided it was madness to go out to Cave Branch as we intended. So we stayed at home all day. As it was cold we had a fire lighted in the room next to mine and there we wrote up our books. I had a long sleep in the afternoon, after taking some aspirin, and woke up feeling rather better. My heart feels weak and I am rather breathless. I have often been like this before and I think it is merely that I have overdone myself. I suppose I am more or less at the end of my tether just now, so I must be careful and take things easily till we knock off work here. Wrote some letters in the afternoon and put my papers into order but did not go out. Very cold in the evening and I went to bed early so as to be well enough to do something tomorrow.Location
USA : North Carolina : Burnsville [35.9173357,-82.300961]
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