Sharp diary 1918 page 73. Monday 11 March 1918 - New York
Document date
Monday 11th of March 1918
Transcription Notes
Train 3 hours late, so we breakfast on board and finally reach N[ew] York at 11 a.m. Get 3 dollars back, each of us, and then taxi to Hotel. Find rooms ready for us on 3rd floor and I shave, have a hot bath and change what clothes I can pending the arrival of our trunks. Rabold comes round at noon or soon after and we lunch with him at Henri’s. I rest after lunch and after tea go out to the Gilmans where we have a long talk chiefly about the Summer School. Rabold goes out for the evening and Maud and I dine quietly at Seven Candles — the nicest meal we have had for a long time. I have an enormous mail to attend to so I write 4 or 5 letters, unpack my trunk and settle in generally till bed-time. Terribly worn out after the journey still feeling the vibration of the train! Otherwise I am feeling quite fit. Weather beautifully bright but very cold indeed.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
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