Sharp diary 1918 page 194. Wednesday 10 July 1918 - New York

Document date
Wednesday 10th of July 1918
Transcription Notes
At the morning school Dr Anderson of Yale attended. We danced Trunkles and Hey Boys to him & 2 Morris Jigs, Pr[incess] Royal, Ladies Pleasure. He seemed interested but mainly in the physical aspect of the dances. He at once felt our pulses after Trunkles and was surprised to find that mine had quickened so little — it was only 100! Taught singing games & processionals at the afternoon session. Interviewed Feakins on prospects of getting work in California early next year. He suggested trying to get us lectures at Omaha, Nebraska, Denver etc on the way over and also said he might get us work in N[orth] Carolina and Virginia in October next. I don’t suppose anything will come of it all but I suppose we must give it the chance. Dined at Old English and tried afterwards to dish up a lecture circular but found myself far too tired to do it. Am beginning to feel the strain of the continuous daily work. Weather still cool.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism