Sharp diary 1918 page 310. Sunday 3 November 1918 - Lincoln

Document date
Sunday 3rd of November 1918
Transcription Notes
I wrote a lot of letters after breakfast in Mr Storrow’s room to Miss Wells and various people till lunch time. After lunch Mrs Storrows lighted a fire in the library and Maud and I snoozed in large arm chairs before it reading desultorily. At 4 Lily & Louisa [Chapin] & Margaret [Edgerley] motored over and had tea with us while I showed them my photographs etc. At 5.30 Mr Storrow arrived from his journeyings and had dinner with us. I had a longish chat with him afterwards in his study before going to bed. I forgot to say that yesterday Percy Dearmer & Mrs Browne came to lunch. We met them at the station and I walked back to the house with Percy. He is but little changed and it was nice, though rather a shock, to hear a typical Oxford voice & pronunciation again. He told me of his adventures since he left England after his wife’s death. He is saying in Boston and I am to meet him tomorrow afternoon at the Bellevue.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Lincoln [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism