Sharp diary 1918 page 213. Monday 29 July 1918 - Peaks of Otter

Document date
Monday 29th of July 1918
Transcription Notes
In the morning went along the Reba road to a Mrs Johnson where although we got no songs we learned a good deal about the people in these regions. Mrs J[ohnson] and her daughter strongly advised us to go to Taylor’s Mountain where they said the people were very poor and primitive and where they all sang old songs played the violin & banjo etc. It sounds like a veritable collector’s Utopia but it will probably be worth trying. Then we returned and went down Munford Road to Mrs Charlie Johnson from whom we go a song or two. After tea we went to Mrs Agee again but got nothing more from her. It is clear that we have exhausted this district thoroughly. It is a little disappointing but might have been worse. We get Mrs Ware to telephone to Reba, the nearest spot to Taylor’s Mountain to try & get someone to "take care of us". Before dinner I answer letters which arrived this morning & wrote the following, Neve, Walker (Iowa), Shane Leslie, Girl Scouts, Bradley, Percival Chubb, Bank & Dr Edes. After dinner After dinner I tried to play the piano but as it had 8 or 9 dumb[?] notes owing to the damp I was not very successful. So Maud & I regaled the company with songs which for the most part they comprehended not.Location
USA : Viginia : Peaks of Otter [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism