Sharp diary 1918 page 25. Tuesday 22 January 1918 - Chicago

Document date
Tuesday 22nd of January 1918
Transcription Notes
Maud a little better this morning but not much to boast about. Temp[erature] sub normal in the morning, then a degree or so above later in the day. I am afraid she will not be about for several days. I wrote tunes all the morning and afternoon in the intervals between my visits to her room. Charlotte called in the afternoon & we three had tea together in Maud’s room. A long official letter from Mrs Hobbes asking me to write to her Agricultural Dep[artment] upon the advantages of introducing folk-dancing in the villages by way of social recreation. She remarked quite rightly that if the Government knew its business it would get me back to England and put me at the head of the Committee — which of course is exactly what they won’t do. If they take the matter up they will select Miss [Mary] Neal or some outsider for such a post for a dead certainty!1 Wrote a long letter to Constance in the evening and also letters to Miss Gilman and Mrs Scovill. Am getting on with the book slowly but of course Maud’s typing is sadly behind hand. Though in this part of the book my work is harder than hers.Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
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