Sharp diary 1918 page 276. Monday 30 September 1918 - Burnsville

Document date
Monday 30th of September 1918
Transcription Notes
Although the weather is lovely as beautiful as yesterday, we have so many songs to write up and are so in need of a rest we decide to stay at home and make this our Sabbath. After writing to Constance & Meyrowitz and Fater and sending off 3 films to be developed in N[ew] York we set to work, write all the morning and finish our books at 5 p.m. I have now taken down 563 songs this year so I shall probably reach the record I made last year of 600. This is the best place we have ever stayed in and we think unless it suddenly pans out that we shall stay here until we go to Asheville. If we do we shall remained here nearly 5 weeks by far the longest time we have ever stayed before at any place. But we are very comfortable and it is not expensive — only 2_ dollars a day each. In the evening Mr Bis Ray gave us a most interesting account of California where he has spent a long time. Wrote several letters to Sonneck, Amy Wells, Beiderhaze Miss Davis.Location
USA : North Carolina : Burnsville [35.9173357,-82.300961]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism