Sharp diary 1918 page 141. Saturday 18 May 1918 - Charlottesville, Virginia

Document date
Saturday 18th of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Felt better on waking though very weak & feeble so I stayed in bed, having my breakfast brought to me, and dozed on to lunch which I got up for. After lunch moved into better rooms and slept again till 4, when we had tea. The pains have not returned but I am feeling very collapsed and generally out of sorts, quite unable to set about any strenuous collecting for a day or two. So we decide to stay here till Monday & recuperate. Two Steam- tables in one day were too much for me! After tea we walked to the University Book Shop to try and get some books to take with us to the mountains but found nothing but magazines, washy novels of no account, and college text-books, the proprietor saying that monthly magazines & novels formed the staple reading of the undergraduates! Called on Prof[essor] Metcalf, the successor of Alph[onso] Smith. He was out but he returned the call in the evening and I had a pleasant chat with him. Professor Johnson also called and is coming to see me, together with Dr Lewis tomorrow morning. The walk did me good and I am feeling a bit better, but not much to boast of. Telephone to Corbett at Afton. We may go on there tomorrow for the night.Location
USA : Virginia : Charlottesville [38.0293059,-78.4766781]
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