Sharp diary 1918 page 259. Friday 13 September 1918 - Burnsville

Document date
Friday 13th of September 1918
Transcription Notes
Had a good night, thank goodness, and wake up feeling much better — headache gone! Weather cold but fine. Maud goes out to prospect hard by while I stay at home to write up my books and a letter to Miss Jenny Moor of Rocky Fork enquiring about Jeff Stockton. We think of going round to Asheville that way if he is still alive & able to sing. Also a letter to Revd C. B. Bryan of Petersburgh. Lunch with Mrs Chesebrough and have coffee under the trees afterwards — nice but rather chilly! After a rest and tea go out to see a Mrs Bennett whom Maud had found in the morning and whom we had already seen before lunch. She is one of the best singers I have struck this tour and she gave me eleven of the very best. This is a great find and a good omen for our success in this part of the world. Then we go down to the station about my trunk which had been reposing there ever since we arrived on Wednesday despite what the baggage man said! After dinner sit on verandah for a short while and read the good news of the American offensive in the paper. Then to bed feeling very cold and tired.Location
USA : North Carolina : Burnsville [35.9173357,-82.300961]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism