Sharp diary 1918 page 228. Tuesday 13 August 1918 - St Peters Mission, Virginia

Document date
Tuesday 13th of August 1918
Transcription Notes
Maud is rather seedy — knocked up by the heat! — so I sally forth by myself. I first call upon Mr & Mrs Webb whom I find sitting side by side in their back verandah, he in his very dirty shirt sleeves, she smoking a long cob-pipe & wearing a straw hat thrown back on her head. I had a delightful talk with them but no songs from them. They passed me on to the Fulton Jones where I got several songs from Sally the eldest of a very large and delightful family of 9 children. Stayed there talking and then tramped back to house and found lunch just beginning at 2 p.m. Very tired & hot and after a rest decided not to go out again. So wrote up my books, sitting on the verandah nearly eaten up by flies! Another thunderstorm fell on us and rather terrified us some of the explosions being very close indeed to us. But there was not much rain so its cooling effect was very small. Saw a Mrs Richards who is a sister of Mrs Fulton Jones and also of Mrs Webb. She would not sing but said her father Jake Sowder knew a great many. Decide to go & see him tomorrow.Location
USA : Viginia : St Peters Mission [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism