Sharp diary 1918 page 365. Saturday 28 December 1918 - Stratford-upon-Avon

Document date
Saturday 28th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted pretty early after rather an uncomfortable night owing to the extreme damp & lack of fires in the last few weeks. Went out with Helen to find Mrs Crowhurst (Rainbow) and try & lick things into shape — no easy job. Called on Garlick about pianos and W. H. Smith about text books. Held rehearsal at 11 at Council Schools doing Morris, some country dances & more Running Set. After lunch made out class lists, rested awhile and then opened School at 5. Cannot get Parish Parlour so have to put up with yeomanry hall at which the top class — about 25 — under Maud is held. The rest of the classes are small — about 65-70 students altogether. Went down to Picture Gallery in the evening & had a talk with [Hercy] Denman & the Oakdens, but very few there as it was cold and a very rainy night. Returned about 10 p.m. and sat over the fire and talked till 11.15 when we went to bed, all of us tired out after a long & tiresome day. Weather still warm but wet in the evening.Location
England : Warwickshire : Stratford-upon-Avon [52.1915699,-1.7069886]
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