Sharp diary 1918 page 44. Sunday 10 February 1918 - Chicago

Document date
Sunday 10th of February 1918
Transcription Notes
Feel rather better this morning and get up for breakfast — in fact have my breakfast half an hour before Maud! Get through a fair amount of work to day — a few tunes, but chiefly letters and a little harmonizing. I want to get my correspondence fairly in hand before I go away tomorrow night. Weather beautifully bright and springlike so Maud and I feeling we must have some decent plain food at the end of our walk look in on the Windermere Hotel and have our lunch there — quite a good one! So nice indeed that we make further enquiries about rooms and decide on the spur of the moment to spend our last 10 days in Chicago at the Windermere Hotel — a most fateful decision involving the necessity of telling the Elms people we are going to forsake them for their rivals! In the evening I tackle the letter to Mrs Hobbes and dictate a long screed to Maud who types it down. If I can lick it into shape tomorrow morning and get it off to England before I leave it will be a great weight off my mind.Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism