Sharp diary 1918 page 305. Tuesday 29 October 1918 - New York

Document date
Tuesday 29th of October 1918
Transcription Notes
Wrote to Constance after breakfast, and after tea sorted out all my photos and sent copies to Mrs Joseph Gibson, Mrs Delie Hughes, Mrs Polly Mitchell, Mrs Effie Mitchell, Mrs Becky Mitchell, Mrs Julie Boone, Mr Jasper Robeson, Mrs Mary Blankenshipp, Mr John Allen & Mrs Ellen Webb. Packed my books and other things for our departure on Thursday and then went round to Gray where I met Percy Mackaye who, (as usual) has written the finest play that ever was and wanted permission to print & use 7 tunes from Appalachian book — I gave him mine & for the rest referred him to Putnam’s. After tea went on packing making up a box of things for S. Peter’s Settlement and writing to Miss Davies thereon. The Gilmans called about 7 and with Rabold we all went to the Old English place & had dinner afterwards returning to my room. Constance’s letter containing account of her interview with Mr & Mrs V[aughan] W[illiams] came in the evening and made me more than ever determined to get home this Dec[ember].Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism