Sharp diary 1918 page 348. Wednesday 11 December 1918 - SS Lapland

Document date
Wednesday 11th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Last night had a long talk in the smoking room with a Scotchman and 2 other men Americans about America & England — a never failing subject of conversation nowadays. Did not go below until 12.20 and then found it hard to sleep owing to the great heat — the hot-air affair belching its wont[?] throughout the night! I complained to the Purser this morning and he said some had asked for the heat and apparently we must all have it or none there being no arrangement by means of which it can be regulated in each cabin. Maud is feeling the weather a little bit, so had breakfast in bed. She came up about 11, and sat on deck all day having lunch, tea and dinner there. A good many military men on board, a few Y.M.C.A.’s and K of C’s — not seemingly a very exciting lot but there are probably some nice people among them if we can only strike them. As usual I feel at present quite incapable of doing any work at all. Hope I may feel more industrious later on!
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism