Sharp diary 1918 page 155. Saturday 1 June 1918 - Blue Ridge Springs, West Virginia

Document date
Saturday 1st of June 1918
Transcription Notes
Left by 7 a.m. train for Lynchburg in awful weather — it reached 93 today & yesterday! Arrived there at 10.45 and had a 4-h[our] wait to get a train for B[lue] Ridge. I hunted about for Cissie Coffey and eventually ran her to earth at the Lynchburg City Hospital. Found her a very nice person, very much like her mother, Selina. She could not get away so had to refuse to lunch with us. Left Maud at The Virginia where I now joined her and had lunch. The room nearly full of idle over-dressed young girls — a gruesome sight. The young women of America do not attract me! Then to the station where we had to wait in torrid heat on the platform for 1_ h[ours] for the train which as usual was horribly late. By the time we got to Blue Ridge I was just done up and so was Maud. The hotel is in a gorge completely hidden away among trees, rather dilapidated, no electric light, nor wire screens, and practically no light nor air. Rooms fairly good, bath without hot water but beds & food fairly good. Dined, got into bed and went to sleep in a moment just like a log or a hog!Location
USA : West Viginia : Blue Ridge Springs [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism