Sharp diary 1918 page 361. Tuesday 24 December 1918 - London

Document date
Tuesday 24th of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Charlie went off in a taxi with Maud to the G[reat] N[orthern] Station to see her off to York and then joined me at the Mont Blanc Restaurant in Gerrard St[reet] to lunch with Evy and the Goulds. After lunch he and I walked to Conduit Street to get the tea-pot I had seen yesterday and then down Piccadilly to our respective clubs where we parted company. I tried to "tube" home and got as far as Piccadilly Circus when it became so crowded I came up to the surface and walked to Baker Street having tea on the way. On arriving at Finchley Road I went into Moody’s[?] to buy myself a tie, called at Rogers and bought John Gilmour a knife for Xmas. Gave Constance her tea-pot which delighted her and then wrote letters to Mr Carley, Mr Steele, Mr Glenn Miss Gilman, Miss Fersey sending them new address cards as well. Weather fairly warm to day but getting much colder in the evening. Find the cold very trying. Steam heating in America has made me very sensitive to cold and I am wondering how I am going to live through the coming winter. Had a long talk with Charlie again over the fire till midnight.Location
England : London [51.5001524,-0.1262362]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism