Sharp diary 1918 page 170. Sunday 16 June 1918 - Natural Bridge

Document date
Sunday 16th of June 1918
Transcription Notes
After rather a late breakfast make out a list of the best 25 tunes I have got this year and make two copies of these. One I send to Aldrich together with a letter telling him roughly of our experiences. The other I am going to send to Vaughan Williams. This occupies me for about 3 or more hours, right up to dinner time i.e. lunch. Room rather full as there are many day visitors from Roanoke & Lynchburgh attracted by the Bridge. The latter must be a grand asset to the hotel as everyone is charged a dollar to go in & see it. That is how they make money in these parts! Went on writing letters to various people after tea including Osborne[?] of the Morning Post concerning his article on my Putnam book and one on Soldiers’ Songs in the Field. The sailor man has made the day more hideous than ever by continually harmonizing at the piano. But we hear he is leaving tomorrow so that we shall have peace for the last 2 or 3 days of our stay here. We are fairly comfortable, but the people are very uninteresting and my asthma is pretty bad.Location
USA : Viginia : Natural Bridge [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism