Sharp diary 1918 page 225. Saturday 10 August 1918 - Rockymount

Document date
Saturday 10th of August 1918
Transcription Notes
Had a very bad night waking at 4 a.m. stifled with asthma. Get up late and have breakfast in my room. We then phone Miss Davis and decide to move on to the mission on Monday morning. During the morning I have my two trunks sent over here and busy myself, with Maud’s assistance, in transferring my clothes from the old to the new one a task which occupied us till lunch time. In the afternoon a heavy thunderstorm with a great rain struck us and cooled us down at first to 76 but later on to 86. However, this was some improvement for which we were most thankful. Very few people stay here but some of them, including a Mrs Robertson ask us to sing to them in the evening, which we do. As usual they were quite unimpressed — which was scarcely surprising judging by the music with which we have been regaled here. Went to bed with the thermometer at 80 hoping to sleep better than last night. I wrote a long letter to Mrs Oppe and posted it.Location
USA : Viginia : Rockymount [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism