— New York

Document date
Saturday 19th of October 1918
Transcription Notes
Heard from Algonquin that we cannot have the nice rooms at less than 10 dollars a day! So we shall have to put up with our poky little corner rooms this next fortnight. Rather annoying but comfort in this case would be recklessly extravagant. Wrote to Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Storrows & sent cheque to Allanstand Industries to pay for the woven coverlet I bought yesterday as a present for Mrs Storrows. Then finished off my packing, got rid of my trunk at 11 a.m. and continued the revision of my books. After lunch while Longhurst was — for our especial benefit — playing some Bach on the organ we left for the station. The train instead of starting at 3.10 was very nearly an hour late, leaving us to stand in a horribly draughty atmosphere for fully 75 minutes. However by stopping only a few minutes at Salisbury we made up our lost time. Weather very chilly & unpleasant but carriages far too hot for our comfort. We watched the gradual disappearance of the mountains as we passed through them for, perhaps, the last time on our way down to the plains. We have been living at an altitude of not less than 2200 feet for 6 weeks or more.Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism