Sharp diary 1918 page 130. Tuesday 7 May 1918 - Nash, Virginia

Document date
Tuesday 7th of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Mr Fulton Ligon — a half-caste negro — calls before we are up, and I arrange with him to motor us to Nash at 10 o’clock. So after breakfast we settle up with the Bayrds telephone to Tye River station and order our trunks to be sent to Charlottesville, change some money at the bank and then start for Nash — a wonderful 10 mile drive right into the heart of the mountains. Road quite good after our experiences in Kentucky. On arrival call on Mr Hency Coffey whose wife agrees to take care of us. A very primitive little house, scarcely more than a log cabin, but very nice people of good mountain stock. Three children living with them Bruce, a very handsome youth about 18, Maisie about 13, and William, who is sick, about 10. We have some lunch and then sally forth and call on Mr Philander L. Fitzgerald (father of Clinton of Afton) and his blind wife, with whom we spend several delightful hours. He sang several excellent songs and is a really delightful old man 76 years old. We got a corrupt version of John o’Hazelgreen from him & several others. They live in a very small cabin high on the mountain side. Return about 6.30 and make ourselves some tea. Sup with the family at 8.30 and sit on the porch singing songs till 10, both Mr and Mrs Coffey contributing ditties. Then bed. Only one sheet — an under one — to my bed — just a patch work coverlet over me. Only one wash basin in the house! But things are fairly clean and that is what matters most of all.Location
USA : Viginia : Nash [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism