Sharp diary 1918 page 62. Thursday 28 February 1918 - Detroit

Document date
Thursday 28th of February 1918
Transcription Notes
I take 10 class of recreation people, Maud staying at home and going on with our book. After class I paddled in ankle-deep snow & slush to Grevill’s the music place, to arrange about books etc being on sale there. I am to find out from the classes the approximate number required & to let them know. We lunched Mr Ashe at the St John’s Arbour and then taxi’d to Jesus Gym where 1.30 class was held. In the afternoon at 4.30 took Education people at Cass Gym. We dined at same place that we had lunched at and then spent the evening with the Shippens. I like them very much and think they will be helpful in starting a Center here. This is what we are working toward at present. Miss Dyar will be useful and also Hume of the Little Theatre and of course Miss Perrin of the Ed[ucation] B[oard] & Ashe representing the Recreation people. Returned home at about 11, meeting Miss Perrin in the train. Got our milk in decent time, but it was "loose milk" and not worth drinking!Location
USA : Michigan : Detroit [42.331427,-83.0457538]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism