Sharp diary 1918 page 282. Sunday 6 October 1918 - Burnsville

Document date
Sunday 6th of October 1918
Transcription Notes
Weather quite warm again. A strong S.W. wind blowing up from the Gulf Stream — probably "fixing for rain". Walked out after breakfast to Mitcheltown first to Becky’s where we got nothing to speak of, then to Mrs Effie who gave me 4 or 5 of the best. I took Savannah’s photo and that of her baby. Then on to Mr David Webb where he and his mother Mrs Ellen, sang several rather nice songs to us. They are all very friendly to us in that settlement and we have had nice times up there with them all. Mrs Effie is the best singer of the bunch. In the afternoon we called upon the Jasper Robersons . He did not sing to us but we had a very pleasant & friendly time there. We then wrote letters to Feakins, Miss Perrin, Miss Dyar and Mr Alexander of Ypsilanti. I then began to write up my books and set my papers in order. Sat out in the porch after dinner just as though it were summer again. Rain came on about 9 o’clock but it soon stopped again. This will produce a change of wind, they tell me.Location
USA : North Carolina : Burnsville [35.9173357,-82.300961]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism