Sharp diary 1918 page 133. Friday 10 May 1918 - Nash

Document date
Friday 10th of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Had a very poor night again but slept a bit towards morning when the dogs quietened down. Maud went off with Maisie to Mr Hatter at Tyre to get him if possible to motor us while I walked in steaming hot weather to Mrs Fanny Coffee. Found her, her father, old Alex Coffey, & her mother sitting out some distance away from her home. She & her father sang me several nice songs including a beautiful version of Arise Arise. Then her father went to the mill while I waited behind for some time calling on the father at the mill on the way back, tested Arise and got him to sing several others. He is a fine singer. I got back very hot at 1 had lunch and then took 8 photos of the family. The motor came at 2.30 & we said good bye with genuine reluctance. They are thoroughly nice people, with nice feelings. They never did anything snobbish or affected or unpleasant — a great contrast to the Bayrd’s — and were not in the least bit shy or overawed — took us just as we were and obviously interested in our lives which were so different from their own. A very hot, dusty & unpleasant motor drive to Arrington arriving at 4.30. Happily there was a clean little hotel where we got a wash, some tea & jam[?] and a quiet room for a smoke. Dived on the G&S[?] train and got rooms at the old Gleason revelling in a bath & clean sheets!Location
USA : Viginia : Nash [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism