Sharp diary 1918 page 241. Monday 26 August 1918 - Stuart, Virginia

Document date
Monday 26th of August 1918
Transcription Notes
Have breakfast at 7 and leave about 8. A very beautiful ride and pleasant one to Stuart — about 14 miles — though the roads are very rough indeed in places. On arrival take rooms at the Perkins Hotel, a very elementary sort of place — a cross between Manchester & Beattyville but a little better than each of them — we do some shopping, change a travellers cheque at the bank and arrange to get some money from N[ew] York to buy some more cheques. Telephone up to Meadows of Dan — about 17 miles off and finally get a Mr Byerly to promise to take us in tomorrow. After dinner & a rest try to arrange for a motor car to carry us tomorrow, but meet with unexpected difficulties. Weather is terribly hot, over 93 in the afternoon & no air stirring! In the evening after a very unsavoury dinner a Mr Franklin, a drummer, came into my room and talked about & sang a couple of songs. It rained and we are fearful that the roads will be impassable tomorrow even if we can get a motor to take us up.Location
USA : Viginia : Stuart [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism