Sharp diary 1918 page 185. Monday 1 July 1918 - New York

Document date
Monday 1st of July 1918
Transcription Notes
School as usual in the morning and afternoon, lunching at the Algonquin as usual. I give the students a long talk in the afternoon, and do not get back till 5.45 and then go off again to 93rd street to dine at the Binghams (Rabold and the Gilman’s are there, also M. Guy (Mrs Bingham’s father) 2 sisters of Binghams, the Basque musician Laparra and an Inca — a real Peruvian. Maud and I sang many songs after dinner much to the delight apparently of a very sympathetic audience. Laparra and his Peruvian friend — who by the way is a painter — were most appreciative. Then Laparra played some Basque folk-songs & some Spanish dances. He is a great artist and a very beautiful & skilful pianist and I enjoy his performance immensely. I have not spent such an evening since that one in March at the same house when I met M. Bonnet. Laparra told me he went last Sat[urday] night to see Isadora Duncan’s pupils dance and that having seen ours in the morning made hers look very poor stuff! This was nice of him & quite genuine criticism.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism