Sharp diary 1918 page 151. Tuesday 28 May 1918 - Ronceverte

Document date
Tuesday 28th of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Got up at 6 and caught the 7.30 electric trolley to Lewisberg making friends with a nice old lady Mrs Strater in the train whom we found smoking her pipe. Lewisberg is an old fashioned County Seat situated on a high plateau covered with large & flourishing farms. Not at all the place for us the more especially as Lewisberg consists of comfortable homes peopled by white men & women of respectable standing, and negroes in large numbers by whom the labour is performed. We had an interesting talk with a Mrs Gilman a lawyer’s wife who told us about the country generally and we got 2 or 3 songs from a Mrs Vergie Charlton and should have got more from her brother in law, Rutterford, a blacksmith had he not been too busy. We returned by the 1.30 trolley. After tea sent off my photos to Meyrowitz, wrote to Miss Hough of Baltimore, Miss Dickey etc. Telephoned & found out that the hotel at Pence Springs was open and decide to go on there tomorrow, but dread another night here! Go to Movies, drug store and then to bed.Location
USA : West Viginia : Ronceverte [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism