Sharp diary 1918 page 19. Wednesday 16 January 1918 - Chicago

Document date
Wednesday 16th of January 1918
Transcription Notes
Did a little harmonizing, but mostly letter writing after breakfast before catching the 11.8 train for town en route to the Physical Training Coll[ege] to give my first lecture and class. In the lecture I hit out as strongly as I could against aesthetic ballet dancing etc which they took very quietly and appreciatively. Maud & Charlotte danced Princess Royal, Maud Lumps of P[lum] P[udding] and we did Rufty, Hey Boys, Lady in the dark, and Parsons Farewell. We then lunched at the Mandarin — an odious place — and took our class from 2-3 Maud and I taking each one half of the class, changing classes at the half hour so they all got 30 minutes of me! Got home to tea, harmonized to 6.30 when Mr & Mrs Baskervill came to dinner. We came up to my sitting room afterwards and talked till after 10. The more I see of her the less I like her — very conceited and insensitive, pugnacious, indeed a good example of the American college woman — a very unlovely type. The great difference between England and America lies in the attitude of the women, their conceit etc and the quiet docile way in which the men accept them at their own valuation!Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism