Sharp diary 1918 page 340. Tuesday 3 December 1918 - New York

Document date
Tuesday 3rd of December 1918
Transcription Notes
After breakfast in our rooms Maud and I sallied forth to choose a wooley sweater — my birthday present! We had a shot at Brooks but seeing nothing quite satisfactory we went on to Abercrombie Fitch where a nice Irish assistant persuaded us to buy a beautiful dark-green one! Then I went on to Gray’s and discussed several business points about Mrs Storrows’s "Rally" etc. Back to the hotel to meet Mr Saunderson of the People’s Institute & his two friends Meez and Wallick. We four lunched at the Astor and discussed folk-song at great length eating in the meanwhile a very luxurious meal. Back to the hotel again to find Maud in bed rather seedy. Rested and then joined Glenn at the Century Club and discussed all & sundry over a cup of tea, biscuit and cheese! Returned home to write to Mrs Storrows who had phoned me in the morning from Boston and then went out to Manguin’s Café where I dined with Iden Payne and a theatrical woman — English — whose name I missed. Talked for a long while afterwards and the strolled back along 6th Avenue smoking my pipe to the hotel about 10.30. Weather much warmer enabling me to dispense with fur coat. Have decided to go on the 14th as it is necessary to go to Boston for week end.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism