Sharp diary 1918 page 359. Sunday 22 December 1918 - London

Document date
Sunday 22nd of December 1918
Transcription Notes
Got up rather late and then after breakfast set to work to unpack. Got my portmanteau open and my large trunk and put a good many things away. Then wrote a large number of cards announcing my change of address, going through my address book. Wrote to Mrs V[aughan] W[illiams]. In the afternoon May called and we had a long talk after tea in the drawing room. Charlie made his appearance at lunch time. Maud went out and lunched with her father. In the evening after dinner Charlie and I walked round to the Gilmours. Found Keltie, Fisher (the newspaper man) Dr Ignatius, a Finn there. I told them of my experiences in the Appalachians and Lennie told me of his war-doings which were most interesting. He also told me a good deal about the bickerings going on behind the scenes over the peace negotiations. Apparently France wants country up to the Rhine & Syria; Italy wants a lot of Adriatic shore & Asia Minor & North Africa, Belgium wants Scheldt bank and so on! Things look pretty bad and we are in for turbulent times especially when we remember the state of politics here at home! It isn’t all peace yet!Location
England : London [51.5001524,-0.1262362]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism