Sharp diary 1918 page 331. Sunday 24 November 1918 - Detroit

Document date
Sunday 24th of November 1918
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted about 9.30 (!!) tried to get my boots cleaned and hair cut but only succeeded with the former then went out & walked with Maud to Miss Liggett with whom we had a long talk about the folk-dance arrangements in her school. She asked if I knew of anyone who would be prepared to take a permanent position in the school & do the f[olk] dancing. I mentioned Miss Louise Chapin & curiously enough found a letter from her on my return! I wrote to the latter telling her what had occurred. After lunch we interviewed Miss Clara Dyar at the Museum and I deprecated a Folk Dance Centre being established here. The fact is she is the wrong person to start it and it will be better to have no Centre than one under her control. Then we had tea on our return to the hotel and I went through Bradley’s photographs choosing the films I wanted for slides and wrote letters to his mother Mrs Bradley, he himself, Mr Willson (Columbia Gramophone) and Louise Chapin, having in the morning written typed letters to White Star & Cunard Line people. Miss Perrin dined with us at the hotel.Location
USA : Michigan : Detroit [42.331427,-83.0457538]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism