Sharp diary 1918 page 154. Friday 31 May 1918 - Pence Springs

Document date
Friday 31st of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Weather hotter than ever. The papers talk of "unprecedented" heat for May — apparently we are breaking another record, about the sixth this year! In the morning go a long tramp and get absolutely nothing — cannot even make people understand what we want. So on our return worn out at lunch time we decide to move back to V[irginia]. Mrs Paxton says she is not surprised at our failure because the people about here are all new, taking the places vacated by the old originals who have gone west after the coal. As this accords with what we had already found out it heightens our determination to go. So we go to Clifton Forge by 5 train arriving 7.45. Soon after we started I got a cinder in my right eye which hurt me very much. The only way I could stay the pain was by closing both eyes and keeping absolutely still — and this I did for 2 solid hours in dreadful heat & discomfort! On arrival went to a barber, by name Harte, who at once took it out. Oh the relief! Put up for the night at Gladys Hotel. Telephoning to Natural Bridge we found Mrs W[illoughby] Sharp had just left for N[ew] York so decide to go on to Lynchburg and Blue Ridge tomorrow.Location
USA : West Viginia : Pence Springs [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism