Sharp diary 1918 page 146. Thursday 23 May 1918 - Nellysford

Document date
Thursday 23rd of May 1918
Transcription Notes
Weather hotter than ever after a little rain in the night. We make for Stony Creek, a very beautiful tributary of the Rockfish river, and call at several houses but without any result. At two of the houses we were received quite sullenly — the people evidently suspecting us in these troublous times. The papers have worked up the spy scandal and we are the victims. We shall evidently have to be careful. After tea called on Mrs Willie Roberts and got one or two nice tunes out of her. After supper went into the Dol Small’s a most delightful family, Dol & his wife and 12 children, all smiling! They sang to us and then adjourned to the next house where there was a new and quite good piano upon which I operated greatly to the delight of the family who smiled more than ever! They are really a delightful and happy lot and it was a great pleasure to be able to return them something. We decide to go on to Beechgrove tomorrow as we have several good clues to follow up. A large packet of mail letters from England etc and my photographs from Meyrowitz which have come out splendidly this time.Location
USA : Viginia : Nellysford [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism